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Infographic for Sleeping Hours

 Graphic Design l Infographic




The Needs 

Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. Based on the age groups, the required sleeping hours are different.


National Sleep Foundation, an organization that dedicates to improve health and well-being through sleep education and advocacy, recommended certain sleeping hours related to age groups.

Despite the valuable research results, the information wasn't visually appealing and aesthetically presented. Therefore, this project aims to make the information understandable.

Main Colours
Light Blue: C70 M0 Y10 K0
Yellow: C0 M0 Y40 K0

Logo of National Sleep Foundation
Infographic for Sleeping Hours
Metapor for Sleeping Hours

Metaphors and Typeface

The main visual component forms a big ‘z’, which is often used to mimic the sleeping sounds. The grey background represents night time and boosts the colour contrast between greenish-blue and yellow, thus vibrantly catches the eyes. Helvetica Neue shows neutrality and legibility that suits clear message delivery.

Sub Colours
Dark Grey: C60 M50 Y50 K25

Infographic for Sleeping Hours
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